Direction of water-utility firms need to be determined

Direction of water-utility firms need to be determined

Environment Minister Tomas Taraba (SNS nominee) and Supreme Audit Office (NKU) chairman Lubomir Andrassy agreed that it's necessary to determine the obligations and direction of water-utility companies, TASR learnt from the ministry's communication department on Monday.

They also concurred that the current system in the water-utility companies is unsustainable as they are struggling with millions of euros of investment debt. "Therefore, the state must take specific and effective measures to control not only how the water infrastructure works, but also how state, public and European resources are used within these companies. We'll present specific solutions in new legislation and submit them to the government for approval," stated Taraba.

Andrassy told Taraba at the meeting that he would submit an extensive report on the results of the audit in selected water-utility companies to the next cabinet meeting, including specific recommendations for improving the situation.

The NKU reported on August 23 on the results of the audit, which was aimed at the management of water-utility companies in Slovakia. It showed that nearly a third of drinking water is lost in Slovakia due to leaky pipes. The state of the water infrastructure is unsatisfactory and is reaching critical levels, while water-utility companies have a growing investment debt.

Source: TASR

Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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