Government to deal with EU funds, helicopter purchase and UDZS's powers

Government to deal with EU funds, helicopter purchase and UDZS's powers

The current state of the implementation of EU funds and the recovery plan, an amendment to the contract for the purchase of a Leonardo AW 18 helicopter for the Interior Ministry and expanding the powers of the Health-care Supervision Office (UDZS) will be on the agenda of the regular government session on Wednesday.

An amendment to the contract on the purchase of a Leonardo AW 18 helicopter specifies the deadlines for handing over the helicopter and its equipment. The helicopter, which was procured by the Interior Ministry's former management, should be put into operation by the end of October.

Robert Fico's cabinet should also deal with a Health Ministry-sponsored amendment aimed at expanding UDZS's powers related to a recovery plan.

Source: TASR

Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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