Gas heating continues to be the preferred method for Slovak households, with 91% of people indicating they would choose it again. According to SPP-distribution, gas heating, particularly with a condensing boiler, is typically more affordable than alternatives like heat pumps. “While the monthly energy costs for both technologies are similar, the investment in a heat pump is up to four times higher. For homes already connected to gas, this remains the most cost-effective and low-emission solution,” explained Jerguš Vopálenský, Head of Network Development at the company. In a survey conducted by SPP-distribúcia, 29% of respondents cited gas’s lower cost as its main advantage, with many also appreciating its convenience and accessibility. Despite concerns over new EU energy efficiency directives, Vopálenský reassured consumers that gas will remain an option for heating, even in new energy-efficient buildings.
The EU directive emphasizes increasing energy efficiency and reducing emissions but still allows for the use of gas. Member states are encouraged to develop strategies for gradually replacing fossil fuels, including renewable gases like bio methane and hydrogen, which could play a key role in the future.
Source: TASR