Opposition questions credibility of SIS report on assassination plot against Prime Minister

Opposition questions credibility of SIS report on assassination plot against Prime Minister

The opposition is questioning the credibility of the Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) report regarding the alleged assassination plot against Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD). Michal Šimečka, the leader of Progressive Slovakia, expressed concern that Fico might have ordered the report to use against the opposition. The Christian Democrats (KDH) noted that the SIS reports directly to Fico and do not expect the document to be free of fabrications. Meanwhile, the Slovak Movement criticized what they perceive as the abuse of the SIS. In response to these developments, MP Mária Kolíková (SaS) announced on Wednesday that she had requested an extraordinary meeting of the SIS control committee.

"As for the situation with the report, which was allegedly prepared by the SIS on the order of the prime minister, it deepens my distrust," Šimečka stated. "The police should investigate. We should know the conclusions from the police and the prosecutor's office. The SIS can prepare its own analysis, but it seems to me that the fears will be dispelled if the prime minister ordered material from the intelligence service to use against the opposition." He also highlighted the confusion surrounding the potential client of the report.

KDH similarly doubts the report's balance, suspecting it may contain misinformation. They pointed out that the SIS reports directly to the Prime Minister, who is at the center of this matter, and emphasized that only the prosecutor's office can conduct a proper investigation and gather evidence for any criminal proceedings. "KDH acknowledges that SIS will submit a report on the assassination investigation to parliament. However, considering the character, nature, and credibility of the sources SIS uses, we expect the Prosecutor General to present relevant facts and evidence to pariament," the movement stated on Tuesday (October 15).

In this context, the Slovak Movement referred to the situation as a scandal and accused Mr. Fico of misusing the SIS. They urged the prime minister to "stop his news games," asserting that such actions undermine the credibility of Slovak security forces in the eyes of foreign allies. MP Veronika Remišová (Slovensko, KÚ, Za ľudí) noted that there are growing concerns that the government will exploit the assassination case. "If, instead of the findings of an independent and impartial court, a fairy tale ordered by Gašpar's intelligence service is presented to the public, what purpose do legal institutions, courts, and the prosecutor's office serve?" she asked.

On Wednesday, Kolíková clarified that the opposition did not request a report on the assassination from the SIS. "Together with my colleague from the opposition, Majerský, I submitted a request to convene an extraordinary meeting of the SIS control committee due to media coverage of the alleged SIS report investigating the assassination of Prime Minister Robert Fico. It is equally important to understand the task assigned to the SIS and who issued that assignment. If the report exists, we must address its content," she stated.

In response, Mr. Fico denied requesting an SIS report regarding the assassination. He claimed that any such request came from opposition MPs on the parliamentary committee overseeing the SIS. His statement followed Interior Minister Matúš Šutaj Eštok's comment that Mr. Fico, as an authorized recipient of information, requested a report on security risks related to a potential assassination attempt on his life. The Interior Ministry clarified that the Prime Minister has a legal right to this information due to his position and that it did not pertain to the May 15 assassination attempt in Handlová. Additionally, SIS Director Pavol Gašpar also denied that the Prime Minister had made any request for a report.

Source: TASR

Jeremy Hill, Photo: TASR

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