The Interior Ministry has settled a dispute with former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, acknowledging that he was wrongfully listed as an agent of the former State Security (ŠtB) under the code name "Bureš" and did not knowingly cooperate with the agency. In response, Babiš expressed confidence, stating, “I never doubted I would win this case, and I was ready to fight it for the rest of my life. There is not, and never will be, a single piece of evidence proving otherwise.”
Babiš agreed not to pursue compensation claims and will withdraw complaints filed with the European Court of Human Rights. He also noted that the 12-year legal battle had significantly damaged his reputation and was exploited by political opponents. "I don’t expect an apology from them; they won’t have the courage," he added.
The Ministry explained that it reached the settlement after independent legal analyses revealed a high risk of losing the case, which could have resulted in significant financial losses for the state. Previous court decisions, including those involving the Nation's Memory Institute (ÚPN), had also weakened the Ministry's position. Despite the settlement, ÚPN maintains that various ŠtB files still confirm Babiš’s status as an agent.
Source: TASR