Slovakia borrowed nearly 12.9 billion euros in the first ten months of this year. Of this, 7.2 billion euros was raised through the sale of government bonds in regular monthly auctions, and the rest was obtained through syndicated bond sales, according to the Debt and Liquidity Management Agency's (ARDAL) October report. In October alone, the state borrowed nearly 2.5 billion euros from financial markets. Through auctions, ARDAL sold government bonds of various maturities for 471 million euros, with total investor demand reaching 2.1 billion euros. An additional two billion euros was raised via a syndicated sale of a new seven-year bond, which saw demand of 7.5 billion euros. The next and likely final government bond auction of this year is scheduled for Monday, November 18. ARDAL will announce the bond offer seven calendar days in advance, on November 11.
Source: TASR