Future camera systems in schools will monitor potential threats in real-time, but also serve as a deterrent to various individuals who might otherwise wish to offer drugs to children in front of schools, Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Hlas-SD) declared on Tuesday.
The minister spoke in response to PS’s criticism of his plan to install AI-controlled cameras in more than 3,000 schools.
"Unfortunately, aside from the spreading of unsubstantiated fictitious myths and fear-mongering, we haven't actually learned anything from their press conference," responded the minister.
Sutaj Estok added that camera systems are already employed across the entire city of Bratislava to monitor and ensure the security of its inhabitants and such systems are routinely installed in schools around the world.
According to Sutaj Estok, the only reason why PS doesn't want to bolster the security of the children is that it was the incumbent government that came up with the idea first. "With its statements, Progressive Slovakia continues to endanger the security of the people in Slovakia and has dragged children and their parents into their political campaign," he said.
Earlier in the day, PS criticised the ministry's intention to install the camera systems in schools, with PS chair Michal Simecka pointing out that the data will be stored and, as such, might be easily misused.
"The Interior Minister proposes to install a camera system in every school, aimed at monitoring the faces of our children, teachers and parents, create models of these faces and store them somewhere... We're talking about a million people. Every single day in schools across Slovakia, someone will monitor their arrivals, departures, daily routines, when, how and where they go, with whom they talk, how they behave, what they wear, what they eat and the like," said PS chair Michal Simecka.
Simecka pointed out that the system will store the camera data. "Who will guarantee that this system will be secure? That's a crucial thing, after all, not to have it hacked by criminals, pedophiles, mafia or anyone capable of stealing an enormous trove of data about our kids," he said, warning that such data would be easy to misuse. "In the situation with continuing bombing threats, schools need very precise, literally surgically precise solutions."
MP Jaroslav Spisiak (PS) warned about the inefficiency of the plan because addressing the bombing threats this way would call for the installation of significantly more cameras. "The proposed concept would be suitable for nothing more than tackling petty theft, perhaps vandalism on and around school premises, seeing as they plan to install the cameras at school perimeters only," he claimed.
Source: TASR