President discusses healthcare and investment opportunities in the Netherlands

President discusses healthcare and investment opportunities in the Netherlands

President Peter Pellegrini met with Dutch King Willem-Alexander in The Hague to discuss healthcare, migration, and Dutch investments in eastern Slovakia. Pellegrini emphasized the potential for Dutch companies to invest in the region, positioning it as a gateway to Ukraine's future reconstruction. They also discussed migration issues, where Pellegrini walked the Dutch King through Slovakia’s experience with migrants.

During his visit, Pellegrini also visited the Princess Máxima Center in Utrecht, a leading European research facility for paediatric oncology, which collaborates with Slovakia's National Institute of Children's Diseases (NÚDCH). Pellegrini stated that he hopes that  a similar center in Slovakia, that will provide the same high-quality care for Slovak children will be built.

Health Minister Kamil Šaško, part of the delegation, discussed the potential construction of a new paediatric cancer treatment center in Slovakia, either as a new facility or an expansion of the existing Institute of Children's Diseases, considering the possibility of Dutch financial support. Both the National Institute of Children's Diseases and the Princess Máxima Center have been collaborating on medical research.

Source: TASR

Patrícia Polakovičová, Photo: TASR

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