Government approves three Medical Union Demands but ignores emergency situation

Government approves three Medical Union Demands but ignores emergency situation

On Wednesday, the government approved a regulation concerning the conditions of specialisation studies or certification training for medical professionals on parental leave. Among other approved demands was also the extension of the resolution on the rejection of the transformation of hospitals into hospitals under the purview of not only the Health Ministry, but also the Interior and Defence Ministries.

The Health Minister presented a countdown of the implementation of the demands of the medical trade unionists to the sector representatives and the media. He said most of them would be fulfilled after the Cabinet meeting. Trade unionists are appealing for the changes to be enacted by the end of this year.

More than 3,300 doctors from hospitals across Slovakia have resigned in a sign of dissatisfaction with the situation in the health sector. The doctors’ notice period expires on December 31.

Source: TASR
Kamila Galjuš; photo: TASR

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