How AI algorithms are trapping us in 'filter bubbles'

How AI algorithms are trapping us in 'filter bubbles'

So-called 'filter bubbles' have become a major source of concern in cyberspace, particularly on social networking platforms which are incentivised to show you content that you will like or agree with, thus keeping you engaged and increasing their advertising revenues - while at the same time, however, preventing you from seeing content that might challenge your current views. With Artificial Intelligence algorithms playing a major role in this, Jonathan caught up with AI expert Robert Moro of the Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies, who researches filter bubbles, to get a better understanding of these new technologies and what impact they're having on society.

robert moro Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Jonathan McCormick, Photo: Flickr/prupert

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