Green Slovakia: Živica teaches and Balaž warns of habitat collapse

Green Slovakia: Živica teaches and Balaž warns of habitat collapse

When it comes to education in conservation and sustainable living in Slovakia, one name stands above the rest, Živica. Founded nearly two decades ago, this NGO has expanded its vision for creating a cleaner, fairer, and more sustainable world through a variety of innovative programs. To find out about all the organization has to offer, Jeremy Hill sat down with general director Ivana Poláčková.
Also in the show, we are continuing our conversation with conservationist and filmmaker Erik Baláž. He recently released a film about the endangered capercaillie which garnered both praise and condemnation. In the interview, he spoke about the film and the current rise in bear attacks in Slovakia.

Green Slovakia Pt. 4 Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Jeremy Hill

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