Phenomenon Devín castle

Phenomenon Devín castle

Any visit to Bratislava isn’t complete without visiting Devin and its castle. The castle ruins are one of the symbols of Slovakia, or Bratislava and for many of freedom. For centuries, Devín and its castle was the border of empires. Most recently it was surrounded in barbed wire and was a part of the iron curtain.

Today, Devín Castle and the surrounding areas are maintained by the Braislava Museum. Ben Pascoe sat down with Milan Zálešák, Director of the Devín Castle, and discussed the history of the area and why it is so important not only for locals from Bratislava but for Slovakia as a whole.

240813_Devin castle Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Ben Pascoe, Photo: TASR

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