Constitutional Court Judge: Oust or not to oust?

Constitutional Court Judge: Oust or not to oust?

A number of Slovak media have reported on an exchange of SMS text messages between controversial entrepreneur Marian Kocner - who faces charges of ordering the murder of journalist Jan Kuciak - and Kocner's lover, in which the entrepreneur instructs the woman to drive him to a meeting with Constitutional Court Judge Mojmir Mamojka. In the messages, Kocner explains to his lover that he can't drive to the meeting in his own car, and planned also not to take along his mobile telephone. The latest exchange regarding Mamojka was released by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project of international journalists.

According to Justice Minister Maria Kolikova, every judge needs to have moral credibility and carry out their profession in accord with the law and Constitution. "If they lose such moral credit, then there are a number of ways to bring their tenure to an end. One of these is for the judge to resign; another is disciplinary proceedings or even being held criminally liable," she claimed. Kolikova added that it's first and foremost up to Mamojka, and also to Constitutional Court chair Ivan Fiacan, to deal with the issue. If she perceives Fiacan as being inactive towards Mamojka, then she will make a further statement by Wednesday (May 6) at the very latest.

Also mentioning Mamojka in his court testimony was former Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) member Peter Toth, at the Kuciak murder case trial. Toth said that defendant Marian Kocner, who allegedly ordered the murder, attempted to have himself released from custody by asking for help from Mamojka. Mamojka has denied these claims.

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR

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