Uncertainty and questions regarding schools’ reopening

Uncertainty and questions regarding schools’ reopening

Even though on Wednesday it seemed that schools would reopen in some form on February 8, less than one day later things changed and remain uncertain. On Friday, Prime Minister Igor Matovič of Ordinary People party wrote on his social media profile that the Government is set to have an online session on the same day and that the meeting will last until it adopts a joint decision regarding the definitive versions of COVID-19 automaton measures, including the reopening of schools.

On Thursday, the PM stated that if it were up to him, he would not reopen schools and pre-schools in the current pandemic situation when the British mutation of coronavirus is significantly making itself felt in the country. The premier noted that he did not attend the talks on this matter and does not intend to do so. "I want this to be a decision by Freedom and Solidarity and For the People" which he called populist parties.

Parliamentary Education Committee Richard Vašečka, also of the Ordinary People party, spoke about reopening schools with Education Minister Branislav Gröhling (Freedom and Solidarity). "The minister and I discussed what to do if children go back to school now, as we expect they will. If they do not go back now, they will go back in a week or two," said Vašečka. According to him, the committee was waiting for the Government's online session on Friday to definitively decide whether or not children would return to school as of Monday (February 8). This should apply to nursery schools, the first level of primary schools and the final grades of secondary schools and vocational schools. "If the Government gives its approval today, I'll convene the extraordinary committee meeting on Tuesday," said Vašečka.

Mojmír Procházka, Photo: AP/TASR

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