Future of Košice region being shaped

Future of Košice region being shaped

Although the town of Košice, located in the eastern part of the country, is the second largest town in Slovakia, in terms of GDP the Košice region has been long considered one of the poorest Slovak regions. In fact, approximately 70% of Slovak GDP per capita is produced in western Slovakia, mostly in Bratislava. Eastern Slovakia, on the other hand, contributes to GDP with only around 14%.

However, the future of the region, based on the cooperation between Košice universities, NGOs and business sector, seems to be more optimistic.

On the 15 June, the cross-sector participation in new innovative projects launched in the Košice region was discussed as part of the Townhall Košice event organised by The American Chamber of Commerce. What are the biggest challenges in the Košice region and how can these new projects address them? Listen to the following feature to find out more.

Townhall Kosice Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: visitkosice.eu

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