Mountains can be cruel

Mountains can be cruel
The beautiful and majestic Slovak mountains can often show their dark side too. The tragic fate of Marián Havlíček, a young Slovak athlete, who represented Czechoslovakia in white-water slalom at the Olympics, is also connected to this dark side of the mountains. While in the summer of 1972 the young kayaker fought for medals at the Olympics in Munich, a few months later he fought for his life on the ridge of the Low Tatras. He lost his fight. Besides the kayaking competition bearing his name, Marián Havlíček has long been remembered by a wooden cross on the Low Tatras ridge close to the Prašivá hill. On one warm Saturday in September, however, a younger generation of kayakers replaced the windswept wooden cross for a new monument. Zuzana Botiková was hiking nearby and captured the story.

Marian Havlicek remembered Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.



Reporting from the ridge of the Low Tatras.

Zuzana Botiková

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