First Slovak woman to conquer Mt. Everest

First Slovak woman to conquer Mt. Everest

Lucia Janičová, a 37-year-old scientist, mountaineer and single mother is the first Slovak woman to have climed to the summit of Mt. Everest. She has already climbed Mont Blanc (4,809 m), Mera Peak in Nepal (6,476 m) and Aconcagua in the Andes (6,961 m).

Despite being a skilled mountaineer, there were moments along her journey where it did not go as smoothly. One of the hardest moments for her was when she encountered a dead body near the summit.

“It was a moment, when you just realize how fragile life is and how close to death you are or you could be if you make a mistake. Seeing that dead body below me was frightening but at the same time, I realized that if I give up here, I can’t continue. So I just let it pass through me – the feelings of that experience – and suppress them and that really helped me to get past the section and I continued to the summit.”

Lucia Janičová, the first Slovak woman to conquer Mt. Everest

Listen to our interview with Lucia Janičová to find more about her adventure.

Lucia Janičová Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.


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Patrícia Polakovičová, Photo: Archive of Lucia Janičová

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