Russia must bear political, financial and criminal responsibility for the damage in Ukraine

Russia must bear political, financial and criminal responsibility for the damage in Ukraine

On April 11, 2023, in Bratislava, the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Rastislav Káčer, met with Uzra Zeyová, the deputy of the US Department of State for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights, with whom he discussed the state of democracy in the world and in our region.

Slovakia is ready to continue helping Ukraine in covering its urgent military and material needs, but also in its comprehensive restoration and reconstruction. The restoration and reconstruction of a war-torn neighboring country will require enormous resources, it is logical and fair that the Russian Federation as an aggressor also participates in them," said Minister Káčer.

The negotiations confirmed the strategic partnership between Slovakia and the United States. The partners condemned the systematic and serious violations of human rights in Ukraine by the Russian Federation and reaffirmed their determination to continue supporting our neighbor as long as necessary.

The partners agreed that China represents a global security challenge that needs attention. "It is the cooperation of the United States, the European Union and like-minded democratic countries that is the key to maintaining the international order based on the rules and values that we share in the transatlantic space," said Minister Káčer. He added that possible supplies of weapons to Russia from China would have a significantly negative impact on mutual relations.

Other topics of the meeting were also the protection of the rule of law, the fight against corruption, freedom of the media, human rights, including the rights of LGBTI persons, and the problem of spreading misinformation. Minister Káčer discussed the initiative of Slovakia and other EU member states to create a new sanctions regime for punishing serious cases of corruption in the world, which would be similar to the so-called Magnitsky act in the USA. (TASR)

Ben Pascoe, Photo: AP/TASR

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