Hungarian ambassador summoned by Foreign Ministry

Hungarian ambassador summoned by Foreign Ministry

The Hungarian Ambassador, Csaba Balogh, has been recalled by the Foreign Ministry due to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's remarks about "working for the homeland in the breakaway territories." The Foreign Ministry's communications department confirmed this decision, stating that Hungary considers Czechoslovakia, and later Slovakia, to be the same successor state of Austria-Hungary, and nothing can be separated from today's Hungary.

The ministry emphasized that spreading such narratives could harm good neighbourly relations and is completely unacceptable to question Slovakia's territorial integrity or sovereignty. The ministry reiterated its interest in maintaining normal and peaceful relations with Hungary while respecting and understanding mutually sensitive issues.

The current statements made by the Hungarian Prime Minister do not align with this approach. At the summer University of the Hungarians in Romania, Prime Minister Orbán criticized the Hungarian minority in Slovakia, constituting about ten percent of the population, for their alleged inability to secure representation in the Slovak parliament.

Source: RTVS

Marianna Palková, Photo: TASR

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