Shortage of paeditricians in Slovakia

Shortage of paeditricians in Slovakia

Primary care pediatricians are asking for a two-hour reduction in office hours in outpatient emergency services. According to them, it will take the burden off busy outpatient pediatricians, one in two of whom is of retirement age. However, the medical trade union has a different view.

According to the union, the reduction in working hours is only a patch-up and will ultimately make the situation worse. Its president, Peter Visolajský, points out that among other things, there are also many hospital pediatricians of retirement age on whose shoulders the responsibility would fall.
The unionists are calling for systemic solutions that they believe would attract young pediatricians. But, according to primary care pediatricians, the situation is critical, and the priority now must be to keep senior colleagues in the system.
Elena Prokopová, the main expert of the Ministry of Health on primary pediatrics, says that if their older colleagues retire or quit, the remaining doctors would not be able to step in for them until the new generation of doctors starts their careers.
Contrary to the claims by the president of the medical trade union, the ministry responds that it regularly discusses the new functioning of pediatric outpatient clinics with representatives of outpatient or hospital physicians, as well as with representatives of municipal regions and hospitals.

The Health Minister, Michal Palkovič, is aware of the concerns regarding the reduction of surgery hours in children's emergency rooms. He also adds that he will be meeting with representatives from the accident and emergency departments next week to discuss possible solutions.

The ministry also commented on claims by the head of the medical unions that a residency program for pediatricians needs to be opened as soon as possible. They pointed out that the error in the law has already been corrected, and those interested will be able to apply from the first of August.
Source: RTVS

Martin Bednárik, Photo: TASR

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