Slovakia to seek inspiration from Czech Republic in drawing EU funds

Slovakia to seek inspiration from Czech Republic in drawing EU funds

There are shortcomings in Slovakia's drawing of EU funds, whereas the neighbouring Czech Republic ranks third on the chart of the most efficient use of the funds by the EU countries, Slovak Vice-premier for Recovery and Resilience Plan and EU Funds Livia Vasakova declared during her visit to Prague on Tuesday.

Together with Investment Minister Peter Balik, Vasakova intends to draw inspiration in the Czech Republic on how to use the European resources more efficiently.

"When it comes to the drawing of European funds, Slovakia has certain shortcomings. So we're quite glad to be able to draw inspiration from the Czech Republic, particularly when it comes to the processes of public procurement, programming but also oversight and audit," said Vasakova.

On the other hand, Slovakia fares relatively well in the Recovery Plan. "We're going to file a third payment application in September. Here we can share experiences we already have from negotiations with the European Commission and the preparation of this plan," claimed Vasakova, who has offered help to Czech Regional Development Minister Ivan Bartos.

The caretaker government is also preparing a strategic document on its findings from visits to Poland and the Czech Republic for the next cabinet.

Slovakia currently ranks 22nd in the drawing of old European funds, as it has drawn almost 76 percent, whereas the Czech Republic is in the third place and has used almost 92 percent of its allocations.

Source: TASR

Ben Pascoe, Illustration photo: TASR

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