Minister's trade discussion and President's global concerns

Minister's trade discussion and President's global concerns

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Jozef Bires, is scheduled to hold an online meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart later today. The purpose of this meeting is to address the obstacles hindering the trade of agricultural goods between the two countries. This development follows discussions held during a government session earlier in the day.

Bires expressed his desire to establish a fair agreement with his Ukrainian counterpart, emphasizing the importance of avoiding any potential lawsuits or trade restrictions. He also mentioned Slovakia's willingness to assess a certification system for Ukrainian grain imports. If this system proves effective, Slovakia may consider lifting the ban on Ukrainian grain imports. Bires pointed out that had Ukraine consulted with neighboring countries like Slovakia about guarantees for controlled exports, it could have potentially prevented the unilateral import ban.

In a separate international context, Slovak President Zuzana Caputova addressed the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in New York. She highlighted that last year witnessed the highest number of conflict-related deaths since 1994, with the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine being a significant contributor to this alarming trend. Caputova urged the General Assembly to prioritize the UN's primary mission, which is to restore global peace.

The Slovak president criticized Russia for its actions in Ukraine, including bombing critical infrastructure and ports used for grain exports to feed the needy worldwide. She called upon Moscow to ensure the safe passage of Ukrainian grain ships through the Black Sea. Caputova also stressed the importance of not turning a blind eye to those who undermine global peace and food security, particularly expecting clear steps towards peace in Ukraine from Russia, a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Siavash Alaghmandan, Photo: TASR

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