Commemorating UN membership

Commemorating UN membership

President Zuzana Caputova and her Czech counterpart Petr Pavel commemorated 30 years of independence for the Slovak and Czech Republics and 30 years of membership in the United Nations in New York on Thursday. The gala dinner at the Bohemian National Hall in New York was attended by other heads of state, prominent members of the Slovak and Czech communities in the US, and friends of both countries from America and Europe. The history of the First Czechoslovak Republic is closely connected with America. According to the President, our democratic traditions have their roots in this region. Zuzna Caputova also gave a speech at the UN General Assembly on the climate crisis. She pointed out that we are struggling with man-made problems. Dialogue is no longer enough, said the President. Although she warned in her speech that we are not doing enough to tackle the climate crisis, we must not lose hope. She believes it is crucial to communicate and listen to young people.

Here is Zuzana Caputova's full speech:

Source: TASR

Marianna Palková, Photo: TASR

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