A year since Zochova accident

A year since Zochova accident

One year has passed since the tragic accident in the centre of Bratislava. The driver Dusan Dedecek was under the influence of alcohol and killed five young people. The court sentenced him to 15 years in prison. The verdict is not yet final. Dusan Dedecek's trial will resume next week - on the 9th of October.
On Monday afternoon, President Zuzana Caputova and Prime Minister Ludovit Odor paid tribute to the victims of the accident. President Zuzana Caputova lit candles and said that alcohol has no place behind the wheel. She said that her thoughts are still with the families and friends of the victims. Prime Minister Ludovit Odor noted that Slovak society must stop tolerating drunk driving. On Sunday evening - 2 October 2022 - a car crashed into a bus stop on Zochova Street in Bratislava at a speed of more than one hundred kilometres per hour. Five university students died in the accident. Some of them were due to start college the next day.

Source: RTVS

Marianna Palková, Photo: TASR

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