On Tuesday, Hlas-SD chair Peter Pellegrini announced that his party will continue further talks on the forming of the next government only with Smer-SD and Slovak National Party (SNS) from now on. On Wednesday, the three partners agreed on signing a coalition agreement.

Pellegrini underlined that the shape of a future potential coalition was decided also by Christian Democrats' or KDH choice to rule out any participation in a cabinet with Smer-SD of Robert Fico and their emphasis on its red lines against Progresivne Slovensko or Progressive Slovakia. Voice-SD also won't let any post-election impasse take place.

"The option of no government emerging in Slovakia is absolutely unacceptable," stated Pellegrini, who voiced his appreciation for Progressive Slovakia's offer to make him prime minister. He added that he never cared for the post, though.

In response to Hlas-SD's decision to continue talks exclusively with Smer-SD and SNS, Christian Democrats’ chair Milan Majersky stated that Hlas-SD leader Peter Pellegrini has chosen the past.
"The decision on the future government was hinging on the Hlas-SD party and, as it turned out, it shares with Smer-SD and SNS not only its past but also the future. KDH acknowledges this decision made by Peter Pellegrini," said Majersky.

Progresivne Slovensko or PS perceives the decision by Hlas-SD to hold further talks on the formation of the new government exclusively with Smer-SD and SNS in a critical light, but respects it, PS leader Michal Simecka declared on Tuesday. He added that PS will act as a tough opposition to the new cabinet. Simecka also rejected the notion that disagreements between PS and Christian Democrats were the deal-breaker in the aborted talks.

Source: TASR

Martina Šimkovičová, Photo: TASR

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