Protests against the government in various Slovak cities, one in Brussels

Protests against the government in various Slovak cities, one in Brussels

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Protests in various Slovak cities, one in Brussels Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

Thousands of people in Bratislava gathered on the SNP Square and protested against the government's actions on Tuesday evening. They object to the abolition of the special prosecutor's office or the proposal of a number of changes in the criminal law, that plans reduce the penalties for corruption.
The opposition calls on the government to withdraw the draft laws. Michal Simecka, chairman of largest opposition party Progresivne Slovensko said they are ready to organize more protests should the government not withdraw the draft laws from the parliament. "We already see that protests have their effect - we at least succeed in postponing the vote on the laws," said Simecka.
Government officials justify the amendment to the Criminal Code by the need to depoliticise the prosecutor's office and to adapt to European standards. But, at the same time, they respect the right to protest. Ján Ferenčák from the Hlas SD party said he fully respects the right to protest: "I fully respect their right to protest and express their opinion - and if the opinion is relevant, it is maybe good to consider it."
Demonstrations were also held in other regional towns. And Slovaks also gathered for a symbolic protest in Brussels, near the headquarters of EU institutions,to voice their support to Slovak protesters at home.

Just to paint the picture of the atmospehere in the country, according to an opinion poll by the AKO agency for the private TV JOJ, almost 47 per cent of Slovaks are dissatisfied with the actions of the government. On the other hand, a little over 40 per cent of Slovaks is satisfied with the new government's actions so far. It is older people that are more prone to be satisfied.


Martin Bednárik, Photo: TASR

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