President's New Year's Address: We need more truth and love

President's New Year's Address: We need more truth and love

Read and listen to President Zuzana Caputova addressing Slovak citizens on the occasion of the New Year's Day. Please note that this is an abridged version.

President Zuzana Caputova's New Year's Address Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

"Dear fellow citizens, today marks the 31st anniversary of our statehood. May the year 2024 bring you good health, happiness, understanding, more peace and stability.

"Our private wishes for the coming year may differ. In these challenging times, however, our hope is confronted with a harsh reality. The past year has been no exception - we have seen many political conflicts, three Prime Ministers, a fierce election campaign and snap elections, which brought perhaps the biggest change. But elections do not replace society, nor must they warp democratic values. We need a real continuity of values - not just a promised one. Let us therefore protect them with respect and decency and let us protect our vital institutions: law enforcement agencies, free media and NGOs.

"There are many things to be critical about, but let us also say what we can be proud of. Without any doubt, it is you, our citizens. You have not ceased to keep showing your maturity and solidarity. Active citizens and NGOs play an important role and their efforts have resulted in tangible help, sometimes even systemic changes. And we can also rely on our local governments.

"The primary role of the state in a crisis must be to provide assistance to those on the brink of survival. Poverty has long been a problem. Those most at risk today are single-parent families and, in particular, children. According to many studies, young people feel misunderstood and lonely; they are victims of bullying and increasingly seek help from experts. It is no longer an exception for them even to take their own lives. We therefore need to take a much greater interest in what young people are experiencing and care about their future.

"This is my last New Year’s Eve speech as President. When I took office 5 years ago, I said that we needed to be honest about what is driving us forward and what is hindering our development. Now I am convinced that one of the biggest obstacles is the lack of culture, especially in politics, and the many conflicts in our society. It deters many from staying in Slovakia and it keeps others from returning from abroad.

"Hostility is becoming a feature of public life, but it is also making its way into our families, households and relationships. We simply need more truth and more love, however clichéd that may sound. The fact that these centuries-old values are clichés confirms in itself their importance. We need them even now.

"Dear fellow citizens, despite the difficult years we have had, we need to look to the future with hope. In my almost five years of office, I have met thousands of our citizens. I have heard extraordinary stories and seen great talents. And every time the Slovak national anthem was played on a foreign visit, this knowledge was there with me. I have been representing Slovakia with these countless reasons to be proud of our country - which still has a long way to go, but which has already successfully made a big part of the journey.

"I wish you a happy and a successful New Year."

Translation and editing: Martin Bednárik, Photo: TASR

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