The last turbines at the Vojany power plant in Košice region were shut down on Tuesday, bringing to an end the almost 60-year history of the once largest thermal power plant in the former Czechoslovakia.
Director Ondrej Marcinčák said that the Vojany power plant produced as much electricity during its operation as Slovak households would consume in 30 years.
The production of electricity from hard coal is coming to an end in Slovakia. Production in Vojany is no longer economically efficient compared to other Slovak power plants, said Lukáš Maršálek, director of classic power plants and member of the board of directors of power utility Slovenske elektrarne.
Maršálek also stressed the need to adapt to changing electricity market conditions, which have forced the company to shift towards lower-emission power generation. "This also means a positive. Slovenske elektrarne is now becoming an emission-free electricity producer, which means that our portfolio includes only production from emission-free sources, that is nuclear and hydro power," he added, praising the efforts of all those who participated in the construction and operation of the plant.