One-fifth of audited primary art schools are not authorised to carry out education

One-fifth of audited primary art schools are not authorised to carry out education

One fifth of the 97 primary art schools audited are not entitled to carry out the educational process because they are not included in the network of schools and educational institutions of the Slovak Republic. This follows from the results of the State School Inspectorate's audits carried out this school year. The aim of the inspections was to determine the state of fundamental and recommended provisions of the educational process.

"We found for example that the educational process was implemented also in schools that are not included in the network of schools and educational institutions of the Slovak Republic, while this is a prerequisite to carry out education and training. Unfortunately, our findings showed that 21.6% of audited workplaces didn’t meet the condition," said Chief School Inspector Alžbeta Štofková Dianovská adding that in almost a third of the inspected primary schools for children and in 18.8% of schools for adult education, the teaching proficiency was below 70%. It is also alarming that in two of the audited establishments, senior teaching staff did not meet the qualification prerequisites and requirements for the performance of the management function in accordance with the Slovak legislation.

State School Inspectorate recommends to carry out timely updates of data in the network of schools and educational institutions after the issuance of decisions on the inclusion of such workplaces in the network. „We also recommend to re-evaluate the up-to-dateness of material and technical equipment in view of the possibility of using more modern digital technologies," Štofková Dianovská noted.“

Source: TASR

Romana Grajcarová, Photo: TASR

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