No public RTVS as of 1 July

No public RTVS as of 1 July

The existing Radio and Television Slovakia (RTVS) will transform into the Slovak Television and Radio (STVR), with its director to be elected by a 9-member council staffed by four nominees of the Culture Ministry and the remaining five by Parliament, it follows from the bill on STVR passed by Parliament on Thursday. Several amending proposals tabled by coalition lawmakers were approved along with the bill. The opposition MPs left the room and did not take part in the vote.

The tenure of current RTVS general director Lubos Machaj will end on 1 July when the proposed new law comes into effect. The same applies to the mandates of the members of the current RTVS council. When it comes to financing the new institution - STVR, the new law respects the status quo, with the primary source of funding a claimable contribution of at least 0.12 percent of GDP.


Martina Šimkovičová Greňová, Photo: TASR

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