New trading system with emission quotas to be introduced in Slovakia

New trading system with emission quotas to be introduced in Slovakia

A new trading system for greenhouse gas emission quotas (EU ETS), which, for the first time, includes emissions from maritime transport, will be introduced in Slovakia. On Wednesday, in an effort to reduce emissions by 2030, parliament approved draft amendments to laws on trading emission quotas and the Environmental Fund. “The draft law regulates basic terms, monitoring and reporting, allocation and transfer of quotas and obligations of shipping companies," the Ministry of the Environment (MŽP) stated in the proposal. From January 1, 2026, other greenhouse gases, namely methane and nitrous oxide, should be included in the maritime transport activity.

The new legislation will introduce a separate emissions trading system for buildings, road transport and other sectors, especially for small industry. "The new system will apply to distributors who supply fuels to buildings, road transport and other sectors from 2027. The draft law defines a regulated entity, fuel, tax-free circulation and a permit for greenhouse gas emissions for regulated entities. It establishes the requirements, changes, cancellation of permits and obligations of regulated entities," the Ministry of the Environment explained.

The MoE added that the trading system should also be expanded to include the burning of fuels in municipal waste incineration facilities with a total nominal heat input greater than 20 megawatts. The goal is to assess their inclusion in the EU ETS from 2028. The amendment also regulates the functioning of the Modernization Fund, the scope of state administration bodies, the use of revenues obtained from quota auctions, the method of their use and their provision through the Envirofond.

At the same time, the areas for which funds from the Environmental Fund can be provided and used are being adjusted. "Projects in industry or energy, in the building or transport sector, for increasing energy efficiency, for the installation of new equipment and the reconstruction or modernization of existing equipment that use renewable energy sources as an energy source, the construction and modernization of equipment for energy storage and achieving the goals of environmental policy or ensuring the fulfillment of the obligations of the Slovak Republic," the MoE explained.

The emissions trading system is a tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in large industrial facilities. Operators can receive part of the quotas free of charge, the rest must be bought in an auction or on the market. Each quota represents the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent.

Source: TASR

Jeremy Hill, Photo: TASR

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