Články / Competition

Competition SNP 80 – Pt. 4

Competition SNP 80 – Pt. 4

Take part in our competition. This year, the topic will be the 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising.

Competition SNP 80 – Pt. 3

Competition SNP 80 – Pt. 3

Take part in our competition. This year, the topic will be the 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising.

Competition SNP 80 – Pt. 2

Competition SNP 80 – Pt. 2

Take part in our competition. This year, the topic will be the 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising.

Competition SNP 80 – Pt. 1

Competition SNP 80 – Pt. 1

The Slovak National Uprising involved participants from many countries around the world. How many different nationalities were involved in the uprising?

Slovakia 30: sport

Slovakia 30: sport

We are starting the sixth and final round of our competition, which this year is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Slovakia's independence. In this 6th round we will talk about sport...

Slovakia 30: Slovak culture around the world

Slovakia 30: Slovak culture around the world

Welcome to the 5th round of this year’s competition. The competition cycle is titled "30 years of Slovakia" and it is dedicated to the anniversary of the independence of the republic. In this round w ...

Slovakia 30: Science and research

Slovakia 30: Science and research

Welcome to another round, already the 4th round of this year’s competition. The competition cycle is titled "30 years of Slovakia" and it is dedicated to the anniversary of the independence of t ...

Slovakia 30: economic drivers

Slovakia 30: economic drivers

The theme of the third round of the competition is the economic development of Slovakia after the establishment of the independent republic in 1993.

Slovakia 30: Peers of the Republic

Slovakia 30: Peers of the Republic

2023 year’s competition is called "30 years of Slovakia" and it is dedicated, as the name suggests, to the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Slovak Republic.

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